Schengen Agreement a Level Geography

The Schengen Agreement: A Level Geography Perspective

The Schengen Agreement is an important topic in the world of geography, politics, and international relations. European Union (EU) member countries and some non-European Union countries have signed the agreement, which aims to create free movement of people within the territory of these countries. The agreement has brought many changes to the movement of people, goods, and services across Europe. As a student of geography, understanding the Schengen Agreement is important to gain a comprehensive understanding of how global politics and international relations work.

What is the Schengen Agreement?

The Schengen Agreement is named after the town of Schengen in Luxembourg where the agreement was signed in 1985. The agreement aims to create a common travel area between European countries, which eliminates the need for border controls. The Schengen Area consists of 26 European countries, including 22 EU member states and four non-EU countries (Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein).

The agreement allows citizens of these countries to travel across borders without having to go through passport control and customs. The Schengen Agreement has removed borders and created a unified area where people can travel freely, live, and work. This has helped to promote economic growth by increasing trade between countries and creating new job opportunities.

How Does the Schengen Agreement Affect Geographical Relationships?

The Schengen Agreement has had a profound impact on geographical relationships between European countries. The agreement has created a borderless area where people can move around freely, making it easier for people to pursue educational opportunities, work, and travel with ease.

The Schengen Agreement has also impacted the tourism industry, as people can easily take a trip to another country without having to worry about border control. As a result, countries within the Schengen Area have seen an increase in tourism revenues.

However, the agreement has also given rise to new challenges such as increased human trafficking and illegal immigration, leading to social and economic concerns. It has also created a sense of loss of national identity, as borders are viewed as an important symbol of a country`s sovereignty.


The Schengen Agreement has created a new paradigm in the movement of people, goods, and services across Europe. The agreement has brought many benefits, including increased economic growth, job opportunities, and tourism. However, its implementation has also led to new challenges, such as illegal immigration and human trafficking.

As students of geography, it is essential to understand the Schengen Agreement and its impact on the global political and economic landscape. By understanding the geographical relationships and complexities, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of how global politics and international relations work.

Posted in Allgemein